Listening Skills

Baby Boomers have one lesson to learn, and that is to remember the first thing you ever heard from your mother was, “No!”.   Because we were the privileged children, and we were the first generation to get whatever we wanted, the word “No!”; usually meant that we just stopped listening. Now that we are the older generation, we suffer from Read more…

Groveling dialogue!

Desperate times sometimes need desperate measures, knowing that you still have a lot of skills that are necessary to help companies grow, and you know that you are being discriminated against because of your age, then try this method. Make a list of all the people that you impacted throughout your career, make sure that these are people that you Read more…

Dress and Appearance

Can’t Believe What I Just Heard? “You dress like an old man!” Yes, you heard right,professional attire is changing.  How does professional dress? Up to 20 years ago, Business attire for male and female, was usually determined by social and economic status of employment. From a uniformed employee, to the suit and the glass office, attire was part of the Read more…

LinkedIn and Getting a Job

One of the greatest networking tools is LinkedIn, the average 60-year-old full-time worker has within their network on an average of 750 contacts. As time goes on and people need to continue the work, LinkedIn contacts are usually expanded considerably, and in some cases overachieved. We have all run into people who have reached over 10,000 contacts and we know Read more…