So, your past retirement age and you still want work, worse yet you need to work, and you start searching the jobsites for an opportunity that you feel you are qualified to apply. You receive a nice form letter back saying thank you for applying for this job, upon review of your resume we find that you are overqualified for this position. Age discrimination is much more rapid than any other form of prejudiced in the hiring practices of American industry and business. Because there is usually no visible bias, whether color of the skin, lifestyle, religion, or nationality, is the easiest to defend because your hiring can be just based on age. There are very little statistical records that point to this bigotry, therefore it’s hard to convince anyone other than people of your age, that age discrimination exists. “Can’t believe what I heard!” Is exactly what your heart is saying when you receive that cut-and-paste email that you are over qualified. If the hiring personnel had 1 ounce of common sense they would realize that you could negotiate with this person and get a “overqualified” person for possibly less money, having them work as a contractor, create a mentor position on a shorter timeframe, and have a person that will set a very positive example for the employees and even the customers of the company. We need to make a lot of noise if we feel that we were held back for an opportunity because of age. Companies preach diversity and when you see in their annual statement’s pictures of employees or “about us” on a website, you don’t often see age represented. You may find it on the board or in ownership, but even older owners have a hard time hiring peers.

Here are some thoughts for your decision-makers who do the hiring, think about some of these advantages that you would have with hiring a senior person:
• There may not be a benefit issue with hiring an older person because they may already receive them.
• They are mostly empty-nesters, so they can work longer.
• They have developed communication skills, listening skills, negotiation skills, and probably have very good business common sense.
• They usually have traveled internationally and nationally and do have a lot of contacts that could help your business. Remember an older person may know the owner or senior management or board members and it could help you close or finalize any deal.
• They usually have a good knowledge of the basic technological skills necessary to work in your business. They may be a little slower on some parts of your business, but they can learn.
• They can work as an independent contractor. This could be even a temporary position until you find a more permanent fit.
• Directness, lack of ego, adding another viewpoint, are just some of the few characteristics that age would bring to your company.

If you are the hiring agent of the company and you do you have a fiduciary responsibility, think about hiring a senior person. If you can save money on the hire and have someone who brings opportunity and the potential of expanding your business, then hire them.

Categories: New World