“Change”, “accepting the unexpected”, “you got to be kidding me!”, “this is crazy!”, “can’t believe what I heard?”; moments in your experience of finding a job is one of the key factors in accepting success or rejection. If every day was routine and there were no exceptions to the rule, I think Henry Ford would be the only person who would be pleased with that type of situation. Assembly line or cookie-cutter opportunities do exist but, the unexpected is basically the norm.

Adversity usually causes the most stressful incidents in managing a job search and interviewing. Learning to accept and embrace change is one of the hardest learning experiences in the development of your quest for employment. Sometimes a little anger and control are the best ingredients for resolving and implementing change. Think about the major issues that you have controlled or conquered and have turned them into a very positive outcome and remember the emotions leading up to the resolution. Those little learning experiences will temper your handling of all other situations and turn them into a very positive outcome.

Sometimes unfortunately, you get into situations that there is little or no resolve. Compromise is a lost art and negotiation skills that can be mutually beneficial to both parties, is a forgotten art. Remember that sometimes there are two sides to every story and if you can figure out a way to resolve conflict by meeting in the middle, you will win.

Categories: New World