This blog is created to talk about the issues that face people of retirement age or older. Hopefully it will allow individuals to vent their frustrations or allow them to figure out ways to reinvent themselves so they can go out and seek employment or communicate with people about the aging process. There’s a lot of people who find himself beyond the average retirement age and still working. This blog is designed to come up with suggestions and ideas to reinvent, modify, enhance, and draw out creative ways to make a presence in the workforce. The blog is divided into different sections to help identify and suggest different things you can do utilizing social media, networking, and solving the question of age. Age and experience are a benefit for a lot of companies, if it can be translated into the new business practices, current business vernacular, and the basic understanding of modern technology. Can’t Believe What I Heard, will be something that will be going through your mind any time, you have the experience of interviewing, seeking a promotion, or talking with younger business people and there will be things said that you will not believe. The purpose of this blog is to address and create answers to that age-old question, Can’t Believe What I Heard?

What Our Friends say About this Blog!

The Old Dude's Gone Crazy!!
X friend

X friend

Business Owner

He really does understand what it's like to deal with trying to make yourself known in the world of younger people.

X Dog Walker

X Dog Walker

Independent contractor

He has great ideas and his dog is well-trained.

Old High School Teacher

Old High School Teacher

In the Nursing Home

He was a good student, what did you say his name was?

Growing Old: The Blog!!!

Remembering A Friend!

One of my closest friends, John Andico suffered through his final days, knowing that cancer would be the winner. John died on August 11, 2018. He is survived by his wife, two daughters and four Read more…

Unexpected is the New Norm!

“Change”, “accepting the unexpected”, “you got to be kidding me!”, “this is crazy!”, “can’t believe what I heard?”; moments in your experience of finding a job is one of the key factors in accepting success Read more…

Listening Skills

Baby Boomers have one lesson to learn, and that is to remember the first thing you ever heard from your mother was, “No!”.   Because we were the privileged children, and we were the first generation Read more…

Groveling dialogue!

Desperate times sometimes need desperate measures, knowing that you still have a lot of skills that are necessary to help companies grow, and you know that you are being discriminated against because of your age, Read more…

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